It’s very easy to get hopeful about adult dating. It really is. The whole concept of adult dating is simply all about anonymous sex. It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that there’s some sort of mystical magical place on the Internet that you only need to log in and all of a sudden all this pussy will be chasing you.
I wish such a place existed. Unfortunately it doesn’t exist. Adult dating sites involve real work. A lot of guys get all their hopes up in thinking that it is some sort of automatic magic bullet solution to all their data problems. Well, if you think this way you’re only setting yourself up for failure.
“Build it and they will come” is a losing strategy
The main reason why many guys fail on a free dating site and at adult dating in general is not because they are ugly. It’s not because they have some sort of hideous physical deformity that drives women away. No, the reason why they fail is because they think that they only need to build a profile and all of a sudden all these chicks will appear out of the woodwork. It doesn’t work that way.
The whole idea of “build it and they will come” belongs in baseball movies; it doesn’t belong on the Internet. Seriously. You can’t just build a profile and all of a sudden expect to get laid. You have to work that profile. You have to put in the work. You have to reach out to women once you’ve built a solid profile. Most importantly, you have to keep tweaking your profile until you get the right formula.
The hottest women are the most competitive targets
Another reason why guys fail at adult dating is they completely zero in on the hottest women in a website. I’m not saying that you should target ugly women; I’m not saying that all. What I’m saying is that you need to open your eyes to the whole idea of competition. If a woman looks like Angelina Jolie or Taylor Swift, you can bet your house that thousands of other guys are looking to stick their dicks in that woman’s tight hole. It really is that simple.
You can’t expect that just because you saw this woman that she is automatically your soulmate and she will fall for you. I’m sorry to break this to you, but the hottest women are the most competitive targets and you really have to step your game up. Otherwise, you’re just going to end up jerking off and feeling lonely.